The mighty holy powers of the legendary Holy Grail restore the other Sailor Guardians' minds as they give Usagi the power to evolve into Super Sailor Moon, as she easily obliterates Cyprine and Ptilol's spell. The Talismans unexpectedly reacted to Usagi's request, and the Outer Guardians explain that in their past lives, they were all teleported to the Moon Kingdom after Metaria was sealed and witnessed its true end at the hands of Sailor Saturn, whom their Talismans had summoned. Having been reborn, the Outer Guardians explain they intend to prevent her return by killing her reincarnation: Hotaru Tomoe. As Usagi and her friends disagree, Chibiusa rushes to Hotaru's house to check on her. But Mistress 9, the Daimon entity within Hotaru that has finally gained strength from being exposed to the future Legendary Silver Crystal, takes over her host while stealing both Chibiusa's legendary Silver Crystal of the thirtieth century and soul.